Cson-listening skills

Dec 30, 2023

Today Cson was late to the therapy class. After he got down from the car, he asks me what coffee I want to drink. My reply to him is latte. Then he walk to the car to inform his mom about the drink is latte. Cson is more confident to pass information. We begin with movement on trampoline. It is interesting to observe a child may so call normalise but unable to copy movement on trampoline. Eg a simple jump with the two feet remain intact on trampoline mat, the child will intend want to lift up his feet from the trampoline mat. It takes a while for his body to integrate to reflex. I notice a change in Cson, he is keener to take the challenge to learn new thing. I always tell parent to work on brain with movement. Movement will integrate the body reflex connection. One must know what movement will bring the potential to brain development. As I work on I notice he begin to have better listening skill, e.g. when we are on trampoline rebounding I will give instruction for him to follow the rebounding.

Cson manage to follow the instruction of jump count to four, jump count backward from 10 to 1. Jump touch your knee, jump from left to right ,jump from  right to left. Jump hold the body tight to front and jump to backward. All this are simple movement with many action word being deliver to the child.  if I put a peanut ball on trampoline the movement sensation is like hippo therapy.

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Cson came as usual for the therapy lesson. On one occasion he saw my baby tomato plant, I gave him a baby plant with a small pot.  Now the baby plant has growth bigger. He came to lesson, he asks for a bigger pot. It seem Cson begin has a passion to growth plant. His cognitive development has upgraded . My suggestion to his parents is to cut down screen time, used it for growing plant. I also gave home programme for his parent to do at home. However his parents rarely have time for him.

I work on listening skill, suddenly Cson doze off again, for little while he woke up. I demo to him what is the next activity. I am so trill to see Cson is able to performance the task. His body begin to connect up bit by bit. Cson has flat feet. In our society many children are disconnecting, hence some need to attend tuition to learn what has been taught in school. Is this not part of learning challenges the children face?

Will Cson move into another level of development?? Let see … comprehension

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Josaiah- environment awareness

Today Jos reaches my place in joyful mood. He walk into the hall, as usual he will put his bag first. Then he proceeds to the big book shelf. Jos begins to take out the big book one by one, as he took out I notice his expression changed. I notice he keep repeat to take the big book, he is trying to find other big books where I have hide it. Then he holds my hand to the shelf, he looks at me, I look at him, I ask what do you want? He looks at the books, I say book, do you want book? Then Jos say book book. Neuro integrated movement therapy work well. I work much on neuro micro movement. Then move on to the therapy that able to improved memory. Subsequent I carry on with oral muscle for speech pronunciation. I also notice many area of Jos are disconnected that caused a delay in his speech and cognitive development. I suggested to his dad that settle Jos in public area first. His dad also agreed. We are working to the direction for Jos to understand environment.

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Josaiah new child on board

Josiah is age 6 years

He yet to verbal 

He yet to imitate actions. 

Josiah will bites, Josiah will  throw things, Josiah  will  pinch people, when he don’t get what he wants

I begin with therapy to calm him down . Jos has reduce his tendency to bite and throw things when he don’t get what he wants .

Feed back from his dad, he said Jos is able to take and follow  instructions . 

I notice his motor skill is under developed. I gave home programme for his dad to work on at home . His dad put hard work , his dad begin to see Jos begin to climb up the bunker at the sister’s room by himself. Prior that Jos dare not climb up the bunker. Any thing related to his movement much he will be fearful. However now Jos has more confident to climb up chair to reach thing that he needs compare prior lesson. On few occasions at home his dad saw Jos took the chair to climb up to reach the thing he want in kitchen cabinet. It seem Jos begin to have problem solving skill. He is more confident with certain of his motor skills.
I notice Jos like books, he will take out the books to open up, and he will run thru page by page first. When come to second time I will read in randomly, his eyes will follow to my pointer. As the therapy progress on. I notice Jos begin to open up book has same words despite different picture with same word in different books. Jos seems understand concept of same and different.

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Raja- Speech Therapy

Time passed by too fast. Raja begins to understand instruction more. He even copy me to say “Appal, Amma , papa. 

When he reached my place he used to just run into the hall. This time he no longer just run, he stands by my side while I have word with his father. In my lesson, a lot of vocabulary word being used with action for him to understand. The toughest is movement, Raja yet to able to copy the movement, Raja still need a lot of support in movement. The toughest is passive movement, which Raja only needs to respond to my touch. 

Biting, praise report. His dad commented that Raja has reduced the biting behaviour; his repetitive behaviour has also cut down. Raja begins to engage with the manipulative toy his dad gets for him. 

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Cson integrated hearing into action.

Cson is getting confident as the lesson progress. He is able to read two syllable sound‘s word in Bahasa Malaysia. However to understand what he read is another challenge. Anyhow at least he don’t reject the challenge to read compared when he first attend the therapy lesson. I begin with listening skill with combination of action movement. It was such a challenging to know Cson has difficulties to integrated listening skill into action. He may hear jump stand with left leg, but in action he will used his right leg to stand. He even points to me the left leg to confirm. However when come into action. It is completely different.

How to update his parents, in general parents will hard to accept the facts. Technology is good; I took a video to show his parents, like people said a picture will tell a thousand words. This thousand words is deep challenging to me. One need to be very innovative in the therapy to help the poor boy.

Guess what happened? Have I able to help Cson? I did made it… hence I am rather satisfy, for Cson begin to take up the challenge to learn English. ..what next .. to be continued

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Cson embark to new development

In those day I developed my both nephew and niece, by then my knowledge and skill is not as in depth as now. They don’t go for tuition till they are in form 5. They still score in so UPSR, PMR, SPM despite they are in Chinese independent school.

I guess to lay down a strong foundation in child development is the key of learning… Haize I only get to know Cson when he was age 6.. Again, so much need to be patch up. There is so much to work on his body connection.  I told my client [passive therapy] is the toughest therapy. The child has to be in rest to respond the stimulants.   Certain child will doze off as I work on. One will be surprise despite the child dozen off. They keep improved. I could recall Yi Yi, in each lesson; she will doze off for almost 6 months as I work on her, to my surprise she keep improved. Yi Yi now is attending a home-school for normal child.

Does Cson doze off as I work on his body? Yes he did, hence in very short period of time I see he improved.

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Cson racing with time

Time pass very fast, I always gave home lessons to my clients. Does my clients practices? Does my client work on the home lessons? I noticed for those clients buy my idea of home lessons in general their children will improve overall. Do I ask them to do repetitively home lessons, no as our brain has its own plasticity. Our brain will continue to develop if we adult put it the right stimulant to stimulate the brain.

It was a joy to see Cson begin to read those two blend syllabus sound. He slowly moved into short phrases with a simple question and answer. Haize when came to questions and answer he fail to answer.

In our society many kindles children is able to read but lack of understanding of the content. I used to run a preschool for so call normalise child. Some attend other preschool for a year or two years then transfer to my place. I noticed the child unable to comprehend the text they read. Some even fail to isolated number with quantity.

This happened to Cson. Slowly begin to read but fail to understand the text he read. So challenging as in 2024 Cson will begin year one or P1, can he cope? In my thought how come schooling become more challenging for the children compare to our parents time? …I guess it is the lacking of outdoor play activities that has cripple the development of the child

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Cson my eyes

age :6

gender : male

Cson come to me due to his eye error. His parents took him to make passport. The official saw his eye, the official ask his parent to get him an OKU card (special need child card). Cson is able to communicate but I see he has hidden learning challenges. Since he came for his eye error, i begin to work on to rectify his eye errors. Thank God his eye is rectify, he is qualify to apply for a passport to travel.

Since i have special need child education background and i am passionate in child education, i begin to test on his reading skill, oops i notice he is able to blend the two letter sound but Cson fail to combine to become a word to read. I test further , he is yet to have reading ability in Bahasa Malaysia and English. Huh… what the preschool has done to him? he is attending a full day lesson in the preschool…. i formerly operate a preschool before i embark on therapy with education foundation for the special needs children.

i wonder how will Cson cope when he is in P1 next year ?

I begin to wonder out there how many child face the same challenges like Cson? if the child dont have learning challenges will they need to attend tuition. ? ….once i heard my own niece said “no need tuition” my reply to her then you have to show an example. …

to be continued ………….

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Gygi new brain

Time flies very fast , Gygi keep improved each despite his dad has only free an hour perweek for Gygi to attend therapy lesson with me. A rather challenging toddler to work with as Gygi yet to have stable trunk support. His neck still not stable, when you carry him, you can see his head yet to firmly stable, dont mentioned about to sit and to stand.

i suggest his father for me to design a programme that fit into the development of Gygi. there we work on, we see Gygi has firm up his trunk, he is able to hold his head firmly when carry him . Gygi’s left hand is much functional than the right hand. Gygi used his left hand more than right hand. As i work thru i also work on his oral muscle , as time passed by Gygi develop his speech, he begin to call jie jie (sister), papa,mama, popo. He also begin to make request, when he want to go out he will point to the door.

During therapy lesson, does Gygi make noise? yes he did…. grandma choose dont want to let him to see her, as i work on Gygi begin to understand even he make noise grandma wont come to him….it takes the family to work hand in hand… i gave home lesson to the family . It is my hope that the family with keep constant to work with Gygi….

Guess what is the next development. ???? to be continued ….

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