Dec 30, 2023
Today Cson was late to the therapy class. After he got down from the car, he asks me what coffee I want to drink. My reply to him is latte. Then he walk to the car to inform his mom about the drink is latte. Cson is more confident to pass information. We begin with movement on trampoline. It is interesting to observe a child may so call normalise but unable to copy movement on trampoline. Eg a simple jump with the two feet remain intact on trampoline mat, the child will intend want to lift up his feet from the trampoline mat. It takes a while for his body to integrate to reflex. I notice a change in Cson, he is keener to take the challenge to learn new thing. I always tell parent to work on brain with movement. Movement will integrate the body reflex connection. One must know what movement will bring the potential to brain development. As I work on I notice he begin to have better listening skill, e.g. when we are on trampoline rebounding I will give instruction for him to follow the rebounding.
Cson manage to follow the instruction of jump count to four, jump count backward from 10 to 1. Jump touch your knee, jump from left to right ,jump from right to left. Jump hold the body tight to front and jump to backward. All this are simple movement with many action word being deliver to the child. if I put a peanut ball on trampoline the movement sensation is like hippo therapy.