Ian – speech development


I received feedback from Ian’s mother: she said Ian is more vocal, and takes the initiative to talk. His stereotype pattern also reduced. Ian has a tendency to arrange animal toys in a row. With every toy he plays, he tries to arrange them in a row. A very repetitive symptom of Autism. I always remind myself: it is pointless to label a child but when a child does things that are not acceptable in the so called “society”, the therapist has to break the repetitive pattern which may draw him into his own world without him realise it. His parents have shown a great support in continuing therapy with Ian at home.

During Rebound Therapy, I always encourage Ian bounce freely … so I always say “Ian jump high, higher”. His mother told me that she heard Ian say “Jump higher”. Well I told her, this is what I say to Ian during rebound lesson. Ian’s speech is more clear compared to before he attended my lessons.

In general most of the speech delayed children may have poor balancing, coordination  and rhythm. Using rebounding as part of the therapy helps to teach the child’s mind and body to communicate more effectively and helps the children to develop muscle control and improve coordination and balancing. Each movement helps the child to stay focused.

Neurons in the brain - illustration

Neurons in the brain – illustration (Photo credit: Rebecca-Lee)

When a child is rebounding, he/she is moving and exercising every brain cell just as they are exercising each of the other body cells. Heavy toxic metals are leached out of these brain cells to free up the neurons to work more effectively. Rebounding has the child to  work from the outside, from the nerve endings in toward the brain.

Ian is also more focused, at least his parents are able to take him for a weekend meal in the shop. Without focus, how can a child learn other skills? Adults many time rush a child towards academic results without laying a basic foundation for them to grow and excell. The worst I have ever come across is parents expecting the child to be able to write before developing the skills that are needed for writing.

A developing child is in a delicate balance: it is easy to upset its development by rushing it into territory that it is not yet ready to explore. A balanced learning process will ensure the most optimal results. For children that have development problems, the therapist must use all her skills of observation to find out to what areas more attention needs to be given and sometimes it is necessary to follow an indirect path before the main problem can be tackled.

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