June. A family of four came to see me for evaluation for a boy age 3plus. Grandparents and boy’s parents came along. I show a deep respect to the grandparents who did not take thing for granted. They begin realized the grandson has development issue. They seek help. Many people is the society live in denied. They think when child is able to talk, they may not have issue in development.
I notice the boy name Jonah did not aware of the people surrounding him. Jonah even did not aware who are his parents.
Jonah has delay,
- cognitive development
- speech and communication processing
- social emotional
- attention
- self help skill
After the evaluation the grandparent and parents purposely leave him with me. Jonah has no response when they leave him with me. Jonah just accept it to be with me. Is this response is positive or negative? It depends on how we as adult look at it.