Josaiah- environment awareness

Today Jos reaches my place in joyful mood. He walk into the hall, as usual he will put his bag first. Then he proceeds to the big book shelf. Jos begins to take out the big book one by one, as he took out I notice his expression changed. I notice he keep repeat to take the big book, he is trying to find other big books where I have hide it. Then he holds my hand to the shelf, he looks at me, I look at him, I ask what do you want? He looks at the books, I say book, do you want book? Then Jos say book book. Neuro integrated movement therapy work well. I work much on neuro micro movement. Then move on to the therapy that able to improved memory. Subsequent I carry on with oral muscle for speech pronunciation. I also notice many area of Jos are disconnected that caused a delay in his speech and cognitive development. I suggested to his dad that settle Jos in public area first. His dad also agreed. We are working to the direction for Jos to understand environment.

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