Rebound Therapy Malaysia

What is Rebound Therapy?
Rebound Therapy is a visionary new therapy technique for intellectually and physically handicapped children, adolescents and learning disorder children. “Rebound Therapy” is a registered trademark in Great Britain ( founded by E.G. Anderson in 1969. It describes the use of a trampoline in providing therapeutic exercise and recreation for people with a wide range of special needs.
Rebound Therapy is used to facilitate movement, promote balance, promote an increase or
decrease in muscle tone, promote relaxation, promote sensory integration, improve fitness and exercise tolerance and to improve communication skills.

Who can benefit from Rebound Therapy?
Participants range from mild to severe physical disabilities and from mild to profound and
multiple learning disabilities, including dual sensory impairment and autistic spectrum.
The current Rebound Therapy Programme caters for children who are school aged. Those below 6 are incorporated into our preschool program. Rebound Therapy thus caters for both children and adolescents.

Rebound Therapy Malaysia
We are the first in Malaysia to provide Rebound Therapy.

Our Rebound Therapist is trained, certified and approved by Rebound the UK based founding organisation for Rebound Therapy. Rebound has received many awards and acknowledgements for the value of this therapeutic activities (See: Rebound Therapy)

Main benefits of our programme

Children will gain the below benefit:

  • Meaningful eye contact,
  • Stamina
  • Self dependence,
  • Numeracy
  • Effective communication and reading
  • Movement and balance,
  • Spatial Awareness
  • Body awareness,
  • Self image,
  • Patience,
  • Social interaction,
  • Self confidence,
  • Self achievement,
  • Hand and Eye coordination
  • Response to speed.
  • Combat obesity
  • Consideration of others,
  • Trust and Confidence
  • Strengthening of muscle and limbs
  • Fun and Enjoyment,

Most important:

  • Stimulation of digestive system,
  • Improved bowel function
  • Internal organ massage
  • Clearing of toxins from the body
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