
Cson came as usual for the therapy lesson. On one occasion he saw my baby tomato plant, I gave him a baby plant with a small pot.  Now the baby plant has growth bigger. He came to lesson, he asks for a bigger pot. It seem Cson begin has a passion to growth plant. His cognitive development has upgraded . My suggestion to his parents is to cut down screen time, used it for growing plant. I also gave home programme for his parent to do at home. However his parents rarely have time for him.

I work on listening skill, suddenly Cson doze off again, for little while he woke up. I demo to him what is the next activity. I am so trill to see Cson is able to performance the task. His body begin to connect up bit by bit. Cson has flat feet. In our society many children are disconnecting, hence some need to attend tuition to learn what has been taught in school. Is this not part of learning challenges the children face?

Will Cson move into another level of development?? Let see … comprehension

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