September 7, 2018
JXian was my former student who join me at the age of 7. He has improved amazingly. This year he has beenĀ promoted from grade 3 to 5. Did he do well? Update from his mom. His mom said Jxian score average mark of 3.29 out of 4 is the first half year exam. Each time I recall his past, I am grateful to the creator to touch him via my therapy lesson with him. His also has social skill. He knows what he wants, he told his mom he wants to learn guitar. Yes he make it, he is able to play few simple song for a start.
On few occasion of family trip, he did offer help to his mom who has to carry the luggage from ground floor to second floor. I wonder how many of our teens will offer assistant to their parents. Many time as an adult we are too occupied for their academic performance and neglected other area of development which can develop them better in the near future. How many parents will ask their children to do house chores when they are young?