Oct 2020
In Malaysia , we have MCO in March, resulted KLer can’t attend the lesson till in June he begin the lesson. It was a joy to see KLer keep progress to better in each day.
There was one Saturday, KLer’s mother bought 3 pax of chicken rice for us. They were not aware of the present of another boy name Xiong. I had gave away my lunch for Xiong.
Prior given to Xiong. Here is my conversation with KLer.
Me : KLer, thank you to bless me chicken rice.
KLer: Do you like chicken rice.?
Me : Yes I do , how ever i have Xiong dont have lunch, may i spare my chicken rice to him?
KLer: Yes
Me: thank you .
KLer was transformed from a boy who only able to talk four words “go to po po house ” for years ago when he was age 4 plus. However at age of 8 plus, he has able to have a meaningful conversation with me. His communication skill no longer like a parrot, he talk with meaningful.
On the following week….KLer’s mother took him to buy chicken rice again. KLer requested his mom to buy a pax of chicken rice for Xiong. As for me, what a generous kind boy KLer is. 4 years ago if his parents were send him for diagnosis, guess most of the developmental doctor will label him as Autistic Children or attention deficit boy. Is labeling so important when a child is below 7 years? As for me , i will focus to work on the area which KLer’s is lacking behind … He is in the home school for normal children with no shadow aids teacher.
Is this a success case ? I thank KLer’s mom to journey with me for KLer’s development.
to be continued. …